You’re at or near your ideal weight, but still suffer with a flabby tummy that refuses to go away. You’ve been successful at losing weight after pregnancy, or slimmed down from diet and exercise, but the stubborn pockets of fat remain and won’t allow you to have the figure you’ve worked so hard to obtain. Or perhaps you’ve had a weight loss procedure, and consequently you’ve developed loose, excess skin.
If you have excess skin and fat in the abdominal area you can’t seem to lose, we can help. If you’re looking for a Tummy Tuck in Minneapolis, Dr. Schaefer uses state-of-the-art, clinically proven techniques and safe procedures.
Your Consultation
Tummy Tuck
If you are seriously considering a tummy tuck, please contact us for a consultation. In your consultation, Dr. Schaefer will listen to your expectations and concerns for the procedure. He will perform a thorough physical examination and tell you what he recommends and why.
He will make sure to listen to all your questions, and give you ample time to ask them. By talking to Dr. Schaefer, you will get a better idea of what can and cannot be done, leaving you with a reasonable expectation of your outcome.
He will discuss your body shape, details on the surgical procedure, your unique body type, and what you can expect leading up to, and during surgery. He will explain the recovery process and how you can recover successfully.
It is important that both you and Dr. Schaefer agree on the aesthetics and process of your surgery so you can reach attainable goals.
Suitable Candidates
As with all cosmetic procedures, a tummy tuck should be done for yourself and not to satisfy someone else’s desire for your body.
Abdominoplasty should be considered if:
- You are physically healthy and at a stable weight
- You have an appropriate body mass index (BMI)
- Your expectations are realistic
- You don’t smoke
- You want to change the appearance of your tummy
Abdominoplasty Procedure
Dr. Schaefer offers multiple techniques for the tummy tuck. Depending on your aesthetic needs, Dr. Schaefer will help you find the right procedure.
In this technique, a horizontal incision will be made between your pubic hair line and navel. The shape and size of the incision will depend on the degree of correction required. The skin will then be lifted off the abdomen toward the ribs. Your abdominal muscles will be tightened and sutured, then excess fat and skin will be removed. Another incision for your navel will be made and it will be sutured in position. The rest of your incisions will then be sutured and bandaged.
Dr. Schaefer performs the Tummy Tuck 360™, a tummy tuck that uses SAFELipo® for fat removal for the whole torso. SAFELipo® will correct any back fat, love handles, bra rolls, or muffin tops, while also allowing Dr. Schaefer to sculpt your abdomen safely and precisely. With SAFELipo®, Dr. Schaefer can precisely contour your abdomen with less damage to the blood supply and a reduced chance of producing irregularities. The Tummy Tuck 360™ allows for greater control, more predictable results, and a procedure that’s gentler on the tissues.
Mini tummy tuck
This type of tummy tuck is for cases where excess skin and fat are confined to the areas below the navel. If that applies to you, a partial or mini abdominoplasty may be optimal. A small incision will be made just over your pubic hair line, your muscle wall may be tightened, and your excess skin will be cut away. The incision is then closed with sutures. For this tummy tuck, your navel will not be repositioned.
Belt Lipectomy
Also known as a circumferential abdominoplasty, the belt lipectomy is commonly performed for patients who experienced massive weight loss and were left with loose excess skin on the circumferential trunk. If you undergo a belt lipectomy, Dr. Schaefer will create an incision that goes all the way around your waist to remove the excess skin and tighten the abdomen. This procedure should not be confused with the “tummy tuck 360” procedure.
What to Expect Before and After Surgery
Before surgery
To prepare for your tummy tuck in Minneapolis, you will need to avoid blood thinners like aspirin, ibuprofen, and other anti-inflammatories for two weeks before and two weeks after surgery. If you are older than 50, an EKG is required. A visit with your primary care physician within 30 days before the surgery will be required to determine if you need any other testing.
You will go home the same day of surgery unless you have additional procedures or a Tummy Tuck 360™, then an overnight stay may be necessary.
After Surgery
There will be mild discomfort after your tummy tuck. Most of our patients have informed us that a C-section recovery was harder. Dr. Schaefer likes to use Exparel® to minimize post-operative discomfort along with muscle relaxants and prescription pain medication.
You should be ready to go back to work after 2 weeks or more if your work is physically demanding.
Your Recovery
Your tummy tuck in Minneapolis was a success; now, you must recover. Your incision and tightened abdominal muscles must be given time to heal. Two weeks should be enough time to stay home from work—longer, if your job is physically demanding.
While the tummy tuck has a reputation for being painful, Dr. Schaefer and his team will surprise you; he and his staff have honed a process that will make your experience as comfortable and as safe as possible.
Dr. Schaefer’s pain management process is cutting edge. He has extensively researched pain medications and has found the most advanced, medically proven non-narcotic pain blockers in the field. Along with Marcaine, Dr. Schaefer offers the state-of-the-art Exparel®.
By replacing the pain pump, Exparel® is one of the great advancements for the tummy tuck recovery. Exparel® is a slow-release-local anesthetic that can be injected under your fascia, the connective tissue around your abdominal muscles, at the time of your muscle repair. One single injection provides pain reduction for up to 5 days.
Typically, the first 3 days after a tummy tuck are the most uncomfortable. The Exparel® lasts long enough to allow you to “turn the corner” and start feeling better before the medication wears off. Clinical studies confirm that patients on Exparel® have lower pain scores and less narcotic usage. A secondary benefit is that you will be active sooner, which will hasten your recovery process.

Caring for Yourself After Surgery
Your abdomen will be sutured and bandaged after surgery. Your bandages will consist of a firm elastic wrap applied to the abdomen. You will be instructed on how to care for this area and how to best position yourself during sleep. You might also be given some compression bandages to help reduce swelling and to help retain the results of the tummy tuck.
At home, make sure you have a designated place set aside to recover. A lounge chair or recliner is best suited for getting up and down, and it’s recommended that you utilize either of them early on for sleep and rest. It’s practical to have necessary items like medications, reading material, remote control, etc. within arm’s reach.
You must limit strenuous activity for a minimum of 4 weeks. It’s highly recommended that you stay home from work or school for at least 2 weeks.
Choosing the Right Plastic Surgeon
Although the tummy tuck is common and less risky than it was 30 years ago, choosing a surgeon for any surgery is of paramount importance.
It is vital for your plastic surgeon to have the right qualifications and credentials. Your surgeon should be board certified and in good standing with the various medical boards. You should also look at factors like education, experience, and satisfied patients. It is important to do your research and visit with the doctor personally.
Don’t forget the support staff. Make sure they are professional, friendly and caring. This will be the people to lean on during your recovery. Make sure you are comfortable with the entire team.
Why Dr. Schaefer?
Dr. Timothy Schaefer graduated Magna Cum Laude with a B.S. in Engineering from the University of Notre Dame, and an M.S. in Engineering from Stanford University. After deciding to join the field of plastic surgery, he completed his plastic and reconstructive surgery training at the prestigious Emory University in Atlanta.
With careful planning and his problem-solving approach, Dr. Schaefer customizes his strategy to achieve your goals.
For the tummy tuck, Minneapolis-based Dr. Schaefer utilizes the latest and most advanced techniques and state-of-the-art equipment. By doing so, he can assure patients like you that you are receiving the latest and safest outcomes.
A board-certified plastic surgeon with the American Board of Plastic Surgery, Dr. Schaefer has been named a BEST DOCTOR and BEST DOCTOR FOR WOMEN by the Minnesota Monthly Magazine. He was named a TOP DOCTOR FOR PLASTIC SURGERY by the Minneapolis St. Paul Magazine.
Schedule Your Consultation
Those who received a tummy tuck in Minneapolis from Dr. Schaefer experienced a dramatic improvement in self-confidence. Dr. Schaefer is passionate about helping both out of town and local, Minneapolis patients improve their outward appearance and quality of life. To learn more how Dr. Schaefer can improve your appearance and self-esteem, please contact us today.
To schedule your consultation appointment, please call our Minneapolis office at 952-920-2600 or go to the Contact page and fill out the necessary information to schedule your appointment. We look forward to seeing you soon.