A breast lift or mastopexy is a procedure for women who are troubled by the appearance of sagging breasts. The surgery raises the breasts to a higher position and reshapes them so that they are firmer and more youthful-looking.
Dr. Timothy Schaefer employs meticulous planning and his eye for balanced, harmonious structures to create natural-looking breast lift results for you.
For women who wish to increase the size of their breasts as well, Dr. Schaefer provides a combination breast lift and breast augmentation.
Your Initial Consultation
Breast lift surgery is a major decision that is also extremely personal. Dr. Schaefer will spend time with you to fully explain the procedure and answer all of your questions. During your consultation, he will perform a thorough medical evaluation and devise a surgical plan based on your specific anatomy and aesthetic goals.
If you are found to be a suitable candidate for a breast lift, Dr. Schaefer and his staff will make sure you are fully prepared for the procedure and know exactly what to expect. Every aspect of your surgery will be customized depending on your specific needs.
Note that if you plan to become pregnant in the future, it may be best to postpone a breast lift as pregnancy and breastfeeding can cause post-operative sagging of the breast tissue.
What to Expect from Breast Lift Surgery
Breast lift surgery is usually an outpatient procedure, so you should be able to return home soon after your operation. You will be put under general anesthesia for your surgery, which will last 1-1/2 to 3 hours depending on your particular case.
Since your surgery is highly customized, Dr. Schaefer’s techniques for breast lift may vary from patient to patient. Generally, the incisions for the breast lift will run around the areola, then vertically down from the areola to the crease, and also horizontally along the breast crease. This is called an inverted T or Wise pattern. If the amount of lift you require is minimal, Dr. Schaefer may be able to use only two incisions without the horizontal one under the crease.
After the incisions have been made, stretched skin and tissue are removed as necessary, and then the breasts will be lifted and reshaped by Dr. Schaefer. The areolas may also be reshaped if they have become misshapen due to gravity.
Dr. Schaefer generally uses what is called a supero-medial pedicle. This means that the main portion of the mobilized breast tissue and areola are left attached to the milk ducts, nerves, and blood supply above the areola. An inferior pedicle technique is used by some surgeons in which the tissue is left primarily attached below the areola.
Dr. Schaefer prefers the supero-medial technique because it removes excess tissue from the lower portion of the breast and leaves the remaining tissue thicker for a more optimal outcome.
Breast Lift Recovery
Using evidence-based methods, Dr. Schaefer and his highly professional medical team have developed a recovery process that leads to a faster recovery.
After surgery, the incisions will be dressed, and a day or two after the procedure you will change to a surgical bra which you must wear for a few weeks.
You will feel sore for several days, and it may take a few months for your breasts to settle into their final position. Bruising and swelling can last for a few weeks, but Dr. Schaefer will provide pain medication to help you through the post-operative discomfort.
You should be able to return to work within a week or two after your surgery. Physical activities should be limited for four weeks. Rest and sleep are important to the healing process, but it’s essential that you sleep on your back to avoid disturbing the healing tissue.
Regular examinations and routine mammograms can help ensure that problems in your breast are detected and treated early. It is important to recognize that pregnancy, weight gain, and aging can cause some future sagging of the breasts. It is unlikely that they will ever return to their previous degree of sagging, however.
Can I Exercise After Breast lift Surgery?
Your body is the best indicator as to when you can return to your regular workout routine. Returning to workouts too early can cause serious setbacks, like muscle tears and internal bleeding. When in doubt, err on the side of waiting. We typically recommend waiting at least four weeks before engaging in strenuous activity. Our team will be an excellent resource to advise you with your recovery plan.
Your New Look
After a breast lift, your breasts will be higher on your chest and have a rounder shape and your nipples will be in a higher position. While there are scars after a breast lift, scarring gradually diminishes, becoming more inconspicuous every week.
Breast Lift Cost
Because of your unique anatomy, Dr. Schaefer customizes your breast lift for what is best for you. After your consultation, we can provide you with an accurate cost, as well as finance options available for your custom breast lift.
Call 952-920-2600 to make your consultation appointment today.
Choosing a Breast lift Surgeon
Choosing the right surgeon for your breast lift is of paramount importance. It is vital for your plastic surgeon to have the right qualifications and credentials, such as board certification and good standing with the various medical boards. The surgeon should also have extensive experience performing breast surgeries.
You also want to be sure that your surgeon has professional, friendly, and caring support staff. These people will assist you while in the office and during your recovery, so it is essential to feel comfortable with the entire team.
Do your research to learn as much as possible about your surgeon. Then, arrive at your breast lift consultation prepared with questions, concerns, and your ultimate goals written down.
Why Choose Dr. Schaefer as Your Breast Lift Surgeon
With his careful planning and problem-solving approach, Dr. Schaefer customizes his strategy so that your breast lift is specifically designed for your unique anatomy and aesthetic goals. Through detailed personalization, Dr. Schaefer can create balanced, proportional breast lift results that look beautiful and natural.
Dr. Schaefer is known for his work in the Minneapolis community in helping women restore self-confidence in their appearance. He has been honored as a BEST DOCTOR and BEST DOCTOR FOR WOMEN by the Minnesota Monthly Magazine, as well as a TOP DOCTOR FOR PLASTIC SURGERY by the Minneapolis St. Paul Magazine.
Schedule Your Consultation Appointment Today
To schedule your consultation appointment at our Minneapolis office, please call 952-920-2600 or go to our contact page and fill out the necessary information to schedule your appointment. We look forward to seeing you soon.
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