Male breast enlargement is a condition known as gynecomastia. Young teenagers or more mature men may suffer from this condition. Patients may experience tenderness of the breasts, feelings of self-consciousness, problems fitting into clothes, and difficulty with sports and exercise. Sometimes, a male breast reduction can be covered by your insurance company if you meet certain criteria. Other times, you may not meet criteria, but you still may be a candidate for the procedure on a self-pay basis.
The procedure is typically called a “subcutaneous mastectomy”. The exact technique that Dr. Schaefer will use depends on your problems and aesthetic goals. In certain patients, however, the appropriate approach may be to do nothing. Young patients with early development of gynecomastia frequently outgrow the condition without surgery. After an appropriate waiting period without resolution, surgery can be indicated. It is important to identify potential causes of gynecomastia such as the use of certain prescription or illicit drugs and certain tumors that secrete hormones which can cause breast development and growth. These causes need to be eliminated prior to any surgery. Many times, however, there is no identifiable cause of gynecomastia and surgery can be indicated.
Your Initial Consultation
Gynecomastia surgery is a major decision that is also extremely personal. Dr. Schaefer will spend time with you to fully explain the procedure to you and answer all of your questions. During your consultation, he will perform a thorough medical analysis and devise a surgical plan based on your specific anatomy and goals.
If you are found to be a suitable candidate for male breast reduction, Dr. Schaefer and his staff will make sure you are fully prepared for the procedure and know exactly what to expect. Every aspect of your surgery will be customized depending on your specific anatomy and preferences.
What to Expect From Male Breast Reduction Surgery
Male breast reduction surgery is usually an outpatient procedure, so you should be able to return home soon after your operation. You will be put under general anesthesia for your surgery, which will last two to three hours, depending on your particular case.
Since your procedure is highly customized, Dr. Schaefer’s techniques for male breast reduction vary from patient to patient. In some cases, Dr. Schaefer will use specialized techniques such as SAFELipo® to remove excess tissue. Firm, glandular breast tissue, often needs to be directly excised. Frequently, an incision will be made at the edge of the areola to hide the scar so that protruding breast tissue can be removed. Other times, when excessive amounts of breast tissue and skin are present, a longer incision on the lower part of the chest may be required and the nipple may be replaced as a graft. It is not possible to remove 100% of the tissue under the skin. This would leave a very abnormal contour.
Drains may be placed prior to the closure of your incisions with absorbable stitches. Bandages will be applied along with a compression dressing.

Your Recovery
Using evidence-based methods, Dr. Schaefer and his highly professional medical team implement a process that leads to a faster recovery.
After surgery, your chest will be wrapped in a compressive dressings. These dressings will be removed 2 days after your surgery, and you will then put on a compression garment, which you must wear for a few weeks
You will feel sore for several days to a few weeks, and it may take 4-6 months for all the firmness to resolve. Bruising and swelling can last for several weeks, but Dr. Schaefer will provide pain medication to help you through the post-operative discomfort.
You should be able to return to work within a week or two after your surgery. Physical activities should be limited for several weeks, however. Rest and sleep are important to the healing process.
Follow-up examinations can help ensure that any issues are detected and treated early. It is important to recognize that weight gain, aging, and other causes can alter the appearance of your chest and allow regrowth of breast tissue.
Can I Exercise After Male Breast Reduction Surgery?
Your body is the best indicator as to when you can return to your regular workout routine. Returning to workouts too early can cause serious setbacks, like muscle tears and internal bleeding. When in doubt, err on the side of waiting. We typically recommend waiting four weeks before engaging in strenuous activity. Our team will be an excellent resource to advise you with your recovery plan.
Your New Look
After a male breast reduction with Dr. Schaefer, your chest will be more masculine-appearing per your pre-operative discussions with him. While there are scars after a male breast reduction, scarring will diminish gradually before becoming more inconspicuous with time. The male breast reduction is different from the female breast reduction. Scars are placed strategically in an effort to minimize the definition of the breast in a male breast reduction.
Choosing a Male Breast Reduction Surgeon
Choosing the right surgeon for your male breast reduction is of paramount importance. It is vital for your plastic surgeon to have the right qualifications and credentials, such as board certification and good standing with the various medical boards. The surgeon should also have extensive experience performing breast surgeries.
You also want to be sure that your surgeon has a professional, friendly, and caring support staff. These people will assist you while in the office and during your recovery, so it is essential to feel comfortable with the entire team.
Do your research to learn as much as possible about your surgeon. Then, arrive at your male breast reduction consultation prepared with questions, concerns, and your ultimate goals written down.
Why Choose Dr. Schaefer as Your Male Breast Reduction Surgeon?
With his careful planning and problem-solving approach, Dr. Schaefer customizes his strategy so that your male breast reduction is specifically designed for your body and goals. Through detailed personalization, Dr. Schaefer strives to create balanced, proportional results that look natural and ease the distress caused by gynecomastia.
Dr. Schaefer is known for his work in the Minneapolis community helping men feel better and restoring their self-confidence. He has been honored as a BEST DOCTOR by the Minnesota Monthly Magazine, as well as a TOP DOCTOR FOR PLASTIC SURGERY by the Minneapolis St. Paul Magazine.
Schedule Your Consultation Appointment Today
Improving a man’s self-confidence and health is Dr. Schaeferís ultimate goal with these procedures. To learn more about how he can help restore your masculine chest appearance, please contact us today.
To schedule your consultation appointment at our Minneapolis office, please call 952-920-2600 or go to our contact page and fill out the necessary information to schedule your appointment. We look forward to seeing you soon.
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